
sperm_meeting_eggPelvic Gynaecology Scan

This scan provides an assessment of the female pelvic organs, the uterus and both ovaries. After the scan, a report is produced for your GP or fertility clinic.

Follicular Count Scan for patients undergoing fertility treatment

During fertility treatment this scan assesses the antral follicle count and follicular development. A report is provided for your GP or fertility clinic.

To discuss your scan and receive recommendations, follow up consultations with a gynaecologist are also available.

Both these scans are vaginal internal scans, clients are welcome to bring a chaperone.

Please be advised we offer IUI/IVF treatment at our London clinic (not Carmenta Life).


Pelvic Gynaecology Scan (GP referral) £150
Baseline and Follicular Count Scan £150
Gynaecology consultation post scan £220


To book or speak to one of our medical team about a scan:

Email: medical@carmenta-life.co.uk