Microsuction Specialist Ear Wax Removal

Full Name: Omur Black

Services provided: Microsuction

Omur is a qualified microsuction practitioner, she uses a microscope for precise and safe microsuction. Her procedure uses a microscope to view the ear canal and drum and gentle suction to clean the ear. It is much safer and more comfortable than all other forms of ear cleaning and is the preferred method used by Ear Nose and Throat consultants. A small, thin probe is directed at the impacted ear wax in the ear canal and gentle suction is applied to remove the blockage. Microsuction is safe, gentle and very effective. It does not require lengthy softening and, in most cases, relief is instant.

Excessive earwax may obstruct the passage of sound in the ear canal, causing hearing loss, pain in the ear, itchiness, or dizziness. Untreated impacted wax can result in further hearing loss, social withdrawal, poor work function and even mild paranoia. Impacted earwax is safely removed with professional Microsuction, and hearing usually returns completely after the impacted earwax is removed. Trying to remove impacted earwax at home with a cotton bud or by ear candling is not recommended, as this may push the wax even further into the ear canal causing even more blockage.

Omur is an experienced healthcare professional, having worked as an HCA in Neurology and ENT paediatric departments in UCLH. She began her microsuction practise while managing a private clinic in North London. As well, Omur regularly works with the London Hearing Specialist Group, along with Audiologist and ENT Specialists. She also provides home services.

Benefits of your services:

  1. Relief from blocked ears
  2. more effective treatment for ear infection after microsuction.
  3. Relief of tinnitus
  4. Quick consultation
  5. Safe Procedure

Your qualifications:

  1. MSc Physician Associate Studies (Student)
  2. SP care Microsuction Training (Attendance Certificate)
  3. SP care Microsuction Training (Competency Certificate)

No of year’s experience in your field:
2 years

Contact Telephone number: 07795383178

Email: microsuction@carmenta-life.co.uk