Allergy Testing and Iridology (Non Medical)
Allergy Testing (Non Medical) is carried out through a muscle related test (kinesiology based), which will identify key allergies or intolerances a client may have. A detailed client health and lifestyle history will be taken in the first consultation. Each treatment is tailored to the individual as we are all unique. Advice on various supplements and alternative health products is available.
Iridology (Non Medical) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool through analysis of the iris (coloured part of the eye), a person’s level of systemic health and areas of nutritional deficiency can be diagnosed. A magnifying glass with a light will be used to look into your eyes; this will enable a map to be drawn up of what is seen on a chart. This allows appropriate remedies to be recommended after a detailed client health and lifestyle history has been taken in the first consultation.
To make a booking
Catherine McLean – View profile
Mobile – 07816 189906
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