Kate Brown
Health Coaching
My name is Kate, and I am a qualified Health Coach with the College of Naturopathic Medicine London.
My mission is to support you in improving your lifestyle and to make your life happier and healthier and to do it your way.
Health & Wellness Coaching
There are many things affect the way we are throughout our life, hormones, friends, family, work / life balance, stress, diet etc. Just one small thing can really bring you down and that is when our sparkle disappears.
It is my job to work out with you what it is and together we can come up with a Health and Wellness Strategy that works for you and your lifestyle to help you feel energised again.
After struggling with the corporate burn out of balancing life, anxiety, work, relationships and being diagnosed as being peri menopausal in my late 30’s I left the London life and decided to concentrate on ME and retrained to become a Health Coach so I can help women on a one-to-one basis navigate through the ups and downs of love, life and hormones.
I work with women supporting women through all stages of their life and focusing on areas that need a little love and support. I work with busy mums juggling successful careers and children to create a healthy work life balance as well us coping with various illnesses that crop up along the way and how to incorporate healthy living into their families lives.
Benefits of your services:
- General Health & Wellness
- Weight Loss
- Confidence
- Stress
- Life Style Changes
Mindfulness Zens
Your qualifications
- CNM Health Coach
- 10 of Zen Teacher
No of year’s experience in your field:
1 ½ years
Any professional associations: Member of UKHCA
Zen Power
Through the month of July Kate is running Zen Power classes which are 55-minute Mindfulness sessions, for those who need a few hours for them to rest and rejuvenate. I deliver these to schools for parents to help them incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives. It’s a combination of breath work along with a guided meditation.
Come along and join Kate every Thursday evening 7.30pm – 8.30pm to learn and experience Mindfulness , bring a mat and a pillow and a friend if you want to.
Email: healthcoaching@carmenta-life.co.uk
Mobile: 07940 422390