Victoria Kearns

Contact Telephone number: 07864 945 086

Services provided and specialist area

Natural Fertility Specialist

Benefits of your services

  1. Integrate several natural therapies – Maya abdominal massage, herbal medicine, nutrition and fertility awareness
  2. Develop bespoke plans for each patient depending on their needs
  3. Address the underlying causes of fertility problems as well as provide symptomatic relief
  4. Trained to degree level in Western Herbal Medicine (includes medical gynecology and pathophysiology, nutrition and pharmacology) and Psychology.
  5. Trained in the leading fertility massage Arvigo® Therapy

The top 3 problems you solve for your clients

  1. Challenges with conception (also support through IVF)
  2. Challenges with miscarriages
  3. Challenges with menstrual and hormonal issues (heavy, irregular bleeding, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids etc.)

Your qualifications

  1. Herbal Medicine – BSc (honours) degree (1:1)
  2. Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
  3. Psychology – BSc (honours degree) (2:1)


Professional associations you are a member of

The Maya Arvigo International Association (MAIA)


“Thank you so very much for the lovely massage, my tummy feels completely opened up in a way it hasn’t for years” CB, London

“So nice to meet you today, the massage felt really healing”. RS, London